Rosemary Lemon Curd Martini

Rosemary Lemon Curd Martini

Lemon curd is a speciality that’s not too well known outside of English-speaking countries, but does enjoy an increasing popularity in a globalized world even outside of the UK, Canada and the United States. It is essentially made of eggs, lemons and/or lime and sugar while it is eaten as a topping for bread. A very nice ingredient of lemon curd is the citrus zest with its spicy-tart flavor, thereby making lemon curd quite suitable as a cocktail ingredient as well. Read More

Tulip Cocktail

Tulip Cocktail

The name of a cocktail can transport a certain flair but also might give a foretaste of the actual aroma the drink will finally offer. Of course not every cocktail has all these information in its name, but at least the name should trigger some curiosity and interest. This can also be achieved by a very simple name, such as today’s Tulip Cocktail does. So, how does actually a liquid tulip taste like? Read More

Cubano Highball

Cubano Highball

I must admit: the weather in Central Europe is all but Cuban in these days, but that does not mean it can’t be a good time for a good cocktail. Even though today’s drink is certainly of rather summery nature, it also fits very well into the autumn season due to a crucial detail: Although it does not look like it, the Cubano Highball is a complex beer cocktail. Read More

From the Brew Kettle: Camba Smoked Porter

Camba Smoked Porter

As I have noted time and again: My favorite beer styles are Porters or Stouts. I have also stated more than one time that there is no real difference between the two styles of beer because both terms are historically grown, partly with respect to the differing strength of the beers. Today’s Porter is nonetheless something special: it is a “smoked” Porter… Read More



Gin and Tonic has certainly become the Highball of the past decade. It has developed from a proto-British classic to a worldwide favorite of connoisseurs, party-goers and occasional drinkers alike. A lesser-known alternative in many European countries is the Portonic. A drink that is absolutely worth a try! Read More

Mai Tai

Mai Tai (Galumbi)

Today it’s once again time for a real classic. A cocktail that almost everyone will know at least by name and most of them will also have tried this one in one or another form: Today’s article is about the Mai Tai. However, the project to write a short article about the Mai Tai turns out to be a treacherous minefield. Read More

All Betts Are Off

All Betts are Off

As I have already noted from time to time in other contexts, mezcal still isn’t the big name in the European bar scene, at least not as it is in the United States and of course in his native country Mexico. This is of course mainly due to the geographical distance and the associated import difficulties, but certainly also to a large extent because of the fact that many people actually do not really know Mezcal or simply don’t like it. Too bad. Read More

Gin Daisy

Gin Daisy

The Daisies are an old, yet classic category among the Cocktails and the question of what exactly a Daisy Cocktail is and how to distinguish it from other categories can easily result into long discussions if you’re in the right company. Thus, the question of definition is also an excellent example for the difficulty of strictly delineating a certain cocktail category. So I will try to put it as simple as possible by a very simple definition: Read More