Steinhäger Gold Fizz

Steinhöger Gold Fizz

“What the … !!” – may be the first reaction of most people, when you offer a “Steinhäger Gold Fizz”. Steinhäger is certainly not the upcoming star within the spirits, and surely it is out of range when it comes to being something kind of cool, trendy or fashionable. If ever you could call it “retro-avant-garde”.

You can hardly  imagine young party people asking for a Steinhäger  based cocktail in a bar. Even I couldn´t imagine to do so, since Steinhäger wouldn´t  even come to mind – if there wasn’t this dusty bottle, standing in the back  of my bar waiting to be found since it was given to me as a birthday present some time ago.(Don´t ask me why people decide to buy a  Steinhäger for a birthday…)

The Steinhäger  version you see in the backround of the picture is not really the premium edition amongst the Steinhägers, I must admit.

But – at the risk of snbbing Steinhäger lovers– I didn´t have high expectations of this spirit while preparing the drink and as the drink also isn´t necessarily a cocktail for friends of pure spirits, (this drink doesn´t put the Steinhäger on the throne and arrange the other ingredients just as a garnish) there wasn´t any problem with using this simpler version.

The end result nevertheless is really delicious! To be honest: It tastes like melted butter cream cake and is at least as powerful. Despite of this attidute  or not at least because of this, there are several special opportunities to serve this drink. As a companion at a posh “Kaffeeklatsch” or as a dessert cocktail at a birthday party: the Steinhäger Gold Fizz will convince its consuments after overcoming this initial skepticis one may have first.

Is is another creation of the barculture authors Helmut Adam, Jens Hasenbein and Bastian Heuser. And again I must say – I highly recommend their book “ Band Cocktailian”, where the Steinhäger Gold Fizz is taken from, too. As  a Golden Fizz an egg is with the ingredients,  using only the freshest (bio)quality is obligatory.


7 cl Steinhäger

2 cl lemon juice

2 cl orange juice

2 cl vanilla syrup (preferably homemade, s.u.)

1 whole egg

2-3 cl Soda


Simply put all the ingredients except the soda water in a shaker with ice cubes and shake vigorously for half a minute. Pour into the chilled glass and top with soda (which can lather something, so proceed with caution. If you stir with the barspoon while pouring the drink into the glass, you reinforce the frothiness of the Fizz, which is a nice effect for a Fizz).

Glass: Highball

Garnish: none

For the vanilla syrup you can simply cut a vanilla bean lengthwise, scrape out the seeds with a knife and put it together with the hull in a bottle of normal sugar syrup. After about a week of maceration the vanilla syrup is ready.

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