Cachaça Yaguara Branca & Caipirinha Highball

While planning today’s article, I noticed a circumstance about which I was quite surprised. Because although I usually blog for almost four years at least once a week about cocktails, spirits and occasionally also about beers (including some very exotic and special categories), I have not even once written about a Cachaça. Why is that? I honestly do not know, because I have nothing against Cachaça at all and I do not give it a wide berth either. In short: It is time! Read More

Rhum J.M 50° & Asparagus Sour

If you visit my blog from time to time and read my articles, you might know how much I appreciate Rhum Agricoles. Especially with the matured variants, you can find real treasures, which are unfortunately too little known to a wide audience. Although I feel very confident that they could offer a welcome change to many whisky drinkers. Therefore, from time to time, people talk about Rhum Agricole as the “missing link” between rum and whisky. However, this is less true for unmatured Rhum Agricole. Nevertheless, also these qualities have their pros. Read More

Flóki Double Wood Reserve Stout Cask Finish & Gamall Maður

If you‘re writing product reviews on a regular basis or if you should intend to do so in the future, you will be faced with the difficult decision of what it is that you really want to achieve with those reviews. Between deeply subjective writing and efforts to be relatively objective, all possible shades of grey are conceivable and all of them have a certain value to your readers. I am usually somewhere in the midfield, because of course as an individual I can only describe my own feelings, but on the other hand I don’t want to write articles that are utterly connected only to me as a person. Read More

Ryoma Rhum Japonais & Haru Mai Tai (春マイタイ)

I have already written one or two articles about Japanese whiskies. For example about the Togouchi Japanese Blended Whisky, about the 10-year-old Yamazaki, which unfortunately is no longer available, the very beautiful Hibiki Japanese Harmony, but also about the Nikka Coffey Malt Whisky. With the KI NO BI Kyoto Dry Gin I recently added a Japanese Gin and I have also written several articels about Sake, Shochu and Umeshu. And now I’m having a Japanese rum or rhum in front of me. Read More